Wednesday, February 4, 2009

By Faith

You can tell I am days behind....
Anyway i just wanted to share a commentary in Numbers 13 and encourage us to walk by faith in God's word since He alone called us to serve Him and do exploits in His name; even when what we see and hear and feel doesnt make sense. God put that dream in each of us, I pray that this year, many Jordans will be crossed and the visions will come to pass

A memorable and melancholy history is related in this and the following chapter, of the turning back of Israel from the borders of Canaan, and the sentencing them to wander and perish in the wilderness, for their unbelief and murmuring. It appears, De 1:22, that the motion to search out the land came from the people. They had a better opinion of their own policy than of God's wisdom. Thus we ruin ourselves by believing the reports and
representations of sense rather than Divine revelation. We walk by sight not by faith. Moses gave the spies this charge, Be of good courage. It was not only a great undertaking they were put upon, which required good management and resolution; but a great trust was reposed in them, which required that they should be faithful. Courage in such circumstances can only spring from strong faith, which Caleb and Joshua alone possessed. (Nu 13:21-25)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mosaic Tabernacle Images

hey good people have attached an image of the tabernacle if you are unable to access it well google "images of tabernacle" . Koi i hope this helps some

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bible reading!!

hey!! decided to follow up on a loose discussion we had with Dr. harrison about getting a blog page to give us a fora to have discussion about our bible reading so yeah created this spot... not to sure of all the workings of blogs but with time we should get the hang of it...

so this is a test page of sorts as for the name of the logos - means knowlege konionia is fellowship... it's my hope that we will increase in our knowledge of the Word thus contending for the faith we profess and that we shall grow in our fellowship one with another and extend that to the lost and the least

God Bless